New data suggest almost half of all workers have their eyes on the door. So what can be done to combat the Great Resignation, a name that refers to a mind blowing pandemic era trend where workers handed in their resignation letters in droves.
According to the numbers published by CNBC more than 4 million people quit their jobs in January. However the record was set last year when 48 million people resigned.
Is this a problem employers can fix? Research shows that half of all workers said pay is the number one reason they’re looking elsewhere. If you’re in this category, Alice (not her real name) said there are things you can do to snag higher pay if that’s the only issue you’re grappling with.
- First: she said bring your ass to work on time. She said it’s ridiculous how many people think it’s ok to roll into work whenever they feel like it.
- Second: Be coachable and have a good attitude. It’s important to ask for feedback on your performance directly and document it.
- Thirdly: Ask! Alice said you may not know it, but most companies have discretionary funds they can pull from.
“Most people would be surprised, by the outcome of just having the conversation, she said.
According to the study cash isn’t the only factor. Many workers are insisting on more flexible schedules including more opportunities to work remotely.
With a strong job market workers aren’t trading in their time sheets for more time on the couch. Instead they’re finding new opportunities and in some cases new careers as the Great Resignation also known as the Great Reshuffling continues.

Great article! Thank you for the tips and perspective
Thanks for reading! I hope it helps.